5 Reasons the Foundation to Fight H-ABC Is a Great Cause to Support

As someone who is passionate about helping others and making a difference in the world (especially during challenging times), you’re always on the lookout for another great cause to support. Having learned a little bit about the struggles that those affected by H-ABC go through every day, it’s likely you’re interested in getting involved. However, you want to be sure that your contribution—whether it’s time, money, or both—is going to make a positive impact.

We want to show you how it can.

Here are 5 reasons why this cause is one worth supporting and what you can look forward to in aiding our organization’s efforts…

1) You Can Play a Role in Funding Important Medical Research.

One of the benefits of joining us in the fight against H-ABC is that you’ll be able to contribute to the advancement of medical science. Our primary aim is to assist doctors and scientists in their quest for a cure, which requires a significant amount of clinical research. However, what you may not know is that this research has the potential to help people suffering from other conditions in the future.

When those in the medical field have the funding they need to carry on their work, they’re able to find new methods of detection, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. But the possible applications of their findings can extend far beyond the disease they’re studying. These findings can help in treating conditions that are similar.

Further, it’s not uncommon for breakthrough medical discoveries to be made on accident… Several vaccines, diagnostic tests, and treatments have been developed while studying something completely different.     

Ultimately, every discovery that’s made in an attempt to cure H-ABC is one that can be applied elsewhere, saving even more lives in the process.     

Whether you donate yourself or encourage others to do so, you’ll be playing an important role in furthering research for the good of all! 

2) You Can Assist in Raising Awareness of a Widely Unknown Disease.

By getting involved with the Foundation to Fight H-ABC in any capacity, you can also assist us in extending our reach, putting a spotlight on a disease that’s still widely unknown. Although the number of cases is on the rise, most people (including many health-care professionals) don’t know it even exists. Through our efforts and those of our supporters, we’re working to change this so the children who suffer from the disease don’t go overlooked.

Sadly, rare diseases such as H-ABC simply don’t get the attention and funding they deserve. As a result, families struggle to find doctors who are knowledgeable and treatments that can combat the symptoms. Although this isn’t fair, as rare diseases deserve just as much scrutiny, it is the current reality. But the good news is you can bring us one step closer to a new reality—one in which conditions aren’t ignored just because they don’t afflict as many people as others do.

It’s something we’ve said many times before, but it’s a message that bears repeating: No act of kindness is too small in supporting the fight against H-ABC.

There are various ways to take action and help raise awareness, making this a great cause to support.  

3) You Can Help Find a Cure for a Debilitating Condition.

Another reason ours is a great cause to support is the fact that doing so allows you to help find a cure for a disabling disorder—one that slowly robs children of their ability to walk, talk, eat, dress, and bathe without assistance.

The symptoms of H-ABC vary from one child to the next, but some examples include the following:

  • Speech problems

  • Difficulty eating

  • Poor coordination

  • Seizures

  • Attention issues

  • Deafness

  • Learning difficulties

Further, those with H-ABC are particularly vulnerable to viruses, including COVID-19. As their bodies are already dealing with one health condition, they’re unable to fight off acute infections. Complications can arise and an afflicted individual could end up in critical condition. 

Worst of all, the life expectancy for those with H-ABC is shortened. As the disease progresses, body functions continue to decline until it’s too late…

By getting involved in the fight against H-ABC through donating or volunteering, you can help fuel research for a cure and put an end to its progression.

4) You Can Feel Confident You’re Supporting a Trustworthy 501(c)(3) Organization.  

An additional benefit to joining us is that you can rest assured any donation you make is going exactly where it should. As a certified 501(c)(3) organization, our foundation is fully authorized and recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit charity. This means you can have peace of mind knowing you’re giving to a legitimate nonprofit.

All proceeds go directly to efforts for curing H-ABC. The donations we receive are used for several purposes, such as funding the genetic research and related costs as well as establishing facilities where doctors can study patient data—all of which is part of the process for finding a cure.

Further, getting involved with the Foundation to Fight H-ABC allows you to receive a tax deduction for charitable giving. Chances are you’re not looking to donate for any sort of monetary gain; you’re looking to make a difference in the lives of others. However, it is a nice bonus that you can claim your contribution as a deduction when tax season rolls around.

However you choose to help, you can trust that you’ve chosen a great cause to support!

5) You Can Be a Hero to a Child (and Family) Affected by H-ABC.

Perhaps one of the most compelling reasons to join the fight against H-ABC is that it offers the opportunity to be a hero to those affected by the disease. Given the current goings-on, it’s a role that you’re likely eager to take on.   

As of today, fewer than 200 cases of H-ABC have been identified, but that number is on the rise. When families are given the diagnosis, they have a hard time adjusting to their new normal. They need support. They need education. But most of all, they need hope for a cure.  

When you decide to support our foundation, you provide families with all of those things and more. You demonstrate your compassion, kindness, and empathy. You show that you’re committed to fighting alongside them. 

In short, you become a hero.

In Summary – The Foundation to Fight H-ABC Is a Great Cause to Support

As you’ve learned, there are several benefits to getting involved with the Foundation to Fight H-ABC. We’re proud of what we’re doing and what we’ve accomplished so far. Moreover, we’re grateful that caring people like you have decided to join our fight.  

If you believe ours is a great cause to support and you want to aid our efforts, take action today!